Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shivering In A Starbucks

Right now I am holed up in the Madeira Starbucks wasting a few hours as I catch up with the internet. This 'bucks has a lot of windows and a lot of in-and-out traffic, contributing to an uncomfortably low temperature in the store.

One of the five tabs I have open in my browser at the moment is Sol is a world traveler aka vagabonder who left her dotcom job back in 2001 to travel the world and has been blogging her experiences for eight years now. I'm envious of her life of travel, but I know I could have done the same thing if I truly wanted to back then. I don't know why, but I've been bitten by the travel bug recently. Something is calling me to see the world. How I make that happen at this point is still under question.

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